Indianiya Football Training Club Tanur

Indianiya Football Training Club Tanur contact no , address , email . Eminet tuition center buildig Tanur 676302 Phone no, email adress etc.

Indianiya Football Training Club Tanur - Business Info

Contact No.
8089366219 (9946242659)
Eminet tuition center buildig Tanur 676302


Indianiya Football Training Club Tanur Phone Number , Address

Do you love football? Do you enjoy playing the sport and are you looking for a way to continue to work with the game? Then coaching might be a career option to consider. Coaching is exciting and fulfilling and gives you an opportunity to pass your skills on to a new generation of players. Maybe you have spent hours on a football game and have led to the pinnacle of club football, But what if you can become a properly qualified coach. Sir Alex Ferguson, Jose Mourinho, Arsene Wenger, Fabio Cappello all great managers, but how were they when Not all great players make great managers. So the question arises, what qualities does a manager require. Is it like the FIFA Manager game. Well yes but with a lot more responsibilities, expectations and immense pressure from the fans as well as the board. Football is a demanding sport and requires dedication , qualification and experience to get into the circle. In the book Coaching Football, Tom Flores and Bob OConnor write: As a coach, you have a deep responsibility to your players. It is your job to know the young people you are teaching, the game you are teaching, and how the game of football can bring your players to their highest potential as happy and contributing citizens, husbands, and fathers. As a coach, you have a deep responsibility to your players. It is your job to know the young people you are teaching, the game you are teaching, and how the game of football can bring your players to their highest potential . With kind of money involved in the modern era of football expectations are bound to be there. If youre in your teens or twenties, time is on your side especially if you have experience as a college football player. But prepared because Its not really about winning. Success and failure is part of the game. . The Indianiya Football Training Club Tanur is located in Tanur and the residing Panchayth / Municipality is Tanur. Indianiya Football Training Club Tanur phone number is 8089366219 (9946242659) .


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